(REPOST) 10 years Touching Beyond the Sky!

U-Man has scored a decade! This is a huge score for us that we reached, entertaining the whole Logo Editing and Video Editing community with such an extended range of content, starting from the classic Scary Logos with the most amazing and creative effects, music editing, music making, and these YouTube Poops that the folks of YouTube love a lot, such as the infamous Snully's Day Off series and others like the VIDgital (ВИDgital or just simply ВИD) gags. We really appreciate the help and support our friends had given us to keep going, despite all the bad stuff that had happened in the past, like the drastic name/content changes, and like we said before, we really apologise about it. Althrough everything, it has been an amazing decade of entertainment, we thank you all for the support and we encourage you to keep the Logo Editing legacy alive and active. Thanks for visiting and keep Touching Beyond the Sky!


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